Paktech Recycling

What do we do with those plastic 4-pack beer handles? More often than not, they are recycled back into more handles, but this time they get reborn as heavy-duty crates capable of holding almost anything.

With assistance from our friends at Drader Manufacturing, right here in Edmonton, we began the process. First, the handles are ground down into a million shards. Then, they are melted and extruded into a mold, cooled down, and finished with a little gold heat stamp. This entire process, from start to finish, happens in-house at Drader Manufacturing.

The result is heavy-duty crates, beefed up to handle up to 2 flats of 473ml cans (48-tall cans), or 4ish growlers, a substantial number of records, various items from the back of your truck, groceries for the month, and they're infinitely reusable…so get creative.

You can find the Flats Stacker 5000 at Sea Change Taprooms and Outposts. And don’t forget to drop off your used Paktechs.

Special thanks to our neighbours at Drader Manufacturing for letting us see how the sausage gets made.
